Because that would prove it.

Since I worked all weekend and ran out of time for the usual grocery shopping, I had to make an emergency organic-junk-food run this afternoon. (Emergency!)  In the dairy section, a frail little woman asked me to reach an item on the top shelf.  No problem!  Later I ran into her in the frozen section, and she said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What kind of shoes are you wearing?  Are those the ones that people talk about being so wonderful, like walking on cushions?"

"I think I know which ones you're talking about, but no.  These are knock-offs."
 At this moment, I heard from the next aisle:
"But Grandma...!  Why?"
Frail Woman asked a number of other questions about where I'd purchased the shoes and how they fit, and then observed, "But they look too big for you."

And then, because it's totally normal to feel defensive about one's footwear and also totally normal to divulge information about one's person to perfect strangers, I said, "Well, I usually wear thicker socks, but yes, the right one is too big because my feet aren't the same size."

"Oh," she said.  "I had a friend whose feet were two sizes different.  He had to buy two pairs of shoes.  It was crazy."

I agreed it was crazy.  She proclaimed she would buy herself some of these shoes.  I reached for my ice cream, and started to move away.

"Actually," she said, "I'm involved in a lawsuit right now..."

Here it comes.  The crazy. 

" friend with the feet.  He died and left me his estate.  His ex-wife is suing, and that's one of the questions my lawyer plans to ask, 'What do you know about his feet?' And if she can't say, then, well, that would prove it."

"Ah," I said.  "Interesting."  

Because that would prove it. 


  1. 1. I like your new blog background.
    2. You just attract these people, don't you?

  2. Whoa! How did I miss this one? And how can we find out who won the suit?


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